


Make: Yapper
Band: 27 Mhz
Modes: AM
1 Transmit ( channel 14 / 27.125Mhz ) and all channels ( broadband ) reciever.
Rig Report:

Price Range:
The Yapper was a bicycle mount radio. The blurb from the importer was " Now everybody can get into CB Radio." Well you could hear CB operators on all channels, but talking to them was a different matter. A very low powered unit. Still people did know about them and have the odd joke about their radio being as good as a Yapper CB. The front panel had up to six controls as well as a signal meter. The microphone attached to the front panel via a curly cord. Now on close inspection, only the ON/OFF Volume control and microphone worked, the rest of the front panel was fixed moulded plastic with the signal meter being a sticker.  It could have been a big mail order dissapointment if you didn't do your homework.